The 3rd edition of the TFG-TFM MONDRAGON Sariak 2024 awards has been a complete success! This year we have broken records: 305 works presented from 57 universities and 52 finalists sharing their ideas and talent in an incredible day.
The Soraluce Factory Portal was the perfect place for a day that started with visits to the Laboral Kutxa, Orbea and Fagor Arrasate cooperatives. The finalists not only learned about the MONDRAGON cooperative model, but also participated in very interesting group dynamics with representatives from Fagor Taldea, Orbea, Laboral Kutxa, Eika, Ikerlan, DanobatGroup and MONDRAGON.
In the afternoon came the most exciting moment: the awards ceremony, where 10 exceptional projects were recognized in key areas such as digital transformation, sustainability, mobility and social innovation.

Award-winning works
In this edition, projects that address key challenges of the present and future have been highlighted. These are the winning works:
From the Danobatgroup prize for digital change:
- 1. saria: Mario Sanz Guerrero. Peak Attention U-Net: Attention-Enhanced ECG Delineation Model for Peak Detection (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid).
- 2. saria: Enrique Queipo de Llano Burgos, Marius Ciurcau eta Alejandro Paz Olalla. Inteligencia Artificial Explicable para el reconocimiento de fracturas de cadera (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).
From the MONDRAGON prize for Transformation based on people:
- 1. saria: Natale Armendariz. The inclusive everyday essentials | Sex toy design for people with motor disabilities affecting the upper limbs (Mondragon Unibertsitatea).
- 2. saria: Marta Vicente Navarro. Desarrollo de una herramienta basada en lenguaje de apoyo a la terapia basada en reminiscencia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).
From the Fagor Taldea prize for energy-climate change:
- 1. saria: Ane Elizetxea Navarro. PEM elektrolizatzaileen degradazio eta hibridazio azterketa: hidrogeno berdearen sorkuntza itsasoko energia bidez (Mondragon Unibertsitatea).
- 2. saria: Juan Pedrero Alegría. Diseño de soluciones de flexibilidad para escenarios de alta electrificación urbana (Universidad Internacional de La Rioja).
From the Orbea prize for healthy, sustainable mobility:
- 1. saria: Iñigo Azcárate Urrutia. Mode Choice Modeling for Sustainable Regional Commuting using Machine Learning: A Case Study in Gipuzkoa, Spain (Universidad de Navarra).
- 2. saria: Mercè Amich Vidal. Clean vehicle ownership: implications for effective policy interventions (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea -UPV/EHU-).
From the Laboral Kutxa prize for changing finance to change society:
- 1. saria: José Antonio Luque Salguero. Optimización global de modelos de Media-Varianza-Sostenibilidad multiagencia para gestión de carteras (Universidad de Málaga).
- 2. saria: Maria Jose Preciado Leyva. Una aportación a la sostenibilidad social del seguro de salud en España. Seguro de asistencia sanitaria con reservas de envejecimiento (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid).
Special prizes
From the IKERLAN prize for the most innovative work: Marta Vicente Navarro. Desarrollo de una herramienta basada en lenguaje de apoyo a la terapia basada en reminiscencia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).
From the EIKA prize for the best work in Basque: Ane Elizetxea Navarro. PEM elektrolizatzaileen degradazio eta hibridazio azterketa: hidrogeno berdearen sorkuntza itsasoko energia bidez (Mondragon Unibertsitatea).
At Shaking HUB we want to thank all the people who have made this special day possible. Thanks to you, the future is built with more strength, creativity and commitment.
Do you want to relive the best moments? Here you have the complete gallery! 👉 Inpaktuday.