Meet the jury for the Premios TFG-TFM MONDRAGON Sariak 2024 awards

The jury for the Premios TFG-TFM MONDRAGON Sariak 2024 awards has already been assigned! 🎉

These awards seek to recognize the most innovative and brilliant projects that address the challenges of the 21st century. This year, we have a luxury jury, made up of experts who will evaluate each of the categories:

  • DANOBATGROUP prize for digital change: artificial intelligence, automation and robotics.
  • MONDRAGON prize for Transformation based on people: talent, diversity and inclusion.
  • FAGOR Taldea prize for energy-climate change: decarbonisation, the circular economy and climate neutrality.
  • ORBEA prize for healthy, sustainable mobility: ecodesign, digitalisation and well-being.
  • LABORAL Kutxa prize for changing finance to change society.

And don’t forget that we have two extra super special awards: Ikerlan Award for the most innovative project and Eika Award for the best project in Basque. To see who is part of the jury for these awards, click here.

We would also like to remind you that registration is open until September 30th. So don’t miss the opportunity to participate and show your talent!

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  • Education


  • Premios TFG-TFM MONDRAGON Sariak 2024 awards


  • Artificial intelligence