53.750€ distributed in prizes for the best bachelor’s or master’s degree final projects have made contribute to the challenges of the 21st century.
The world is accelerating, and we are facing complex and profound challenges in which our society’s future is at stake. At MONDRAGON we want to promote this transformation to be innovative, sustainable and people-based. To do this, we need the contribution of young talent. That is why we want to reward the TFG or TFM that face the challenges of our time.
Haizea Aguirre Puértolas
Universidad del País Vasco
Second prize at Fagor Taldea prize for energy-climate change
Irene Alegre Moral
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Second prize at MONDRAGON prize for Transformation based on people
Estíbaliz Arbizu Martín
Seconsd prize at MONDRAGON prize for Transformation based on people
Ander Azpitarte Aretxabaleta
Mondragon Unibertsitatea
First prize at Fagor Taldea prize for energy-climate change
Miren Lur Barquín Torre
Technical University of Denmark
Second prize at Danobatgroup prize for digital change
Mikel Cortés Madina
Mondragon Unibertsitatea
First prize at MONDRAGON prize for Transformation based on people
Garazi Diaz Odriozola
Escuela de Diseño e Ingeniería Elisava (Barcelona)
First prize at MONDRAGON prize for Transformation based on people
Ane Elizetxea Navarro
Mondragon Unibertsitatea
First prize at FAGOR TALDEA Prize and First prize at EIKA Prize
Ane Feijoo Arostegui
Mondragon Unibertsitatea
First prize at Fagor Taldea prize for energy-climate change
Mikel Garcia Arruabarrena
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
First prize at Orbea prize for healthy, sustainable mobility
Ainhoa Garde Royo
Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Second prize at Danobatgroup prize for digital change
Asier Mandiola Arrizabalaga
Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragón
First prize at Danobatgroup prize for digital change
Haritz Markaida Velasco
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Second prize at Orbea prize for healthy, sustainable mobility
Enrique Queipo de Llano Burgos
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Second prize at DANOBATGROUP Prize
Mario Sanz Guerrero
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
First prize at Laboral Kutxa Prize 2023 and First prize at DANOBATGROUP Prize 2024
2023, 2024
Eneko Unanue
Mondragon Unibertsitatea
First prize at MONDRAGON prize for Transformation based on people
Marta Vicente Navarro
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Second MONDRAGON award and winner of the IKERLAN Award for the most innovative project
The main categories and the extra prizes during all these editions have been promoted by the following cooperatives:

The TFG-TFM MONDRAGON Sariak 2024 awards celebrates young talent and innovation at Inpaktuday
This year we have broken records: 305 works presented from 57 universities and 52 finalists sharing their ideas and talent in an incredible day.
Ibon Antero
MONDRAGON Corporación
Responsible for sustainability and social transformation
2022, 2023, 2024
Iñaki Belaustegi
MONDRAGON Corporación
Responsable de Desarrollo Digital y Modelo de Gestión
2022, 2023, 2024
Marta Carazo
Eroski S.Coop.
Human Resources Director and member of AED (Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Executives) of Bizkaia
2022, 2023, 2024
Asier Diaz de Gereñu
Maristas Centro de Formación Profesional
Business Relationship Coordinator
2023, 2024
Esti León
42 Urduliz
Director / Area of Employability and Educational Innovation | Telefónica Foundation
Natalia Maeso
Microsoft y PWN Bilbao
Client Executive North Region (Microsoft) and VP of Networking Strategic Initiatives (PWN Bilbao)
2023, 2024
Alexander Seoane
Colegio de Ekonomistak
Secretary of the Board of Governors and expert in data and modeling
2023, 2024
Oscar Serradilla
Laboral Kutxa
Quantitative Models Technician in Treasury and Financial Markets
2023, 2024