Lortek is a private technology center, member of the BRTA alliance (Basque Research & Technology Alliance) and cooperative integrated into the MONDRAGON Corporation, specialized in the digitalization of manufacturing processes and in the development of innovative solutions in digital and intelligent manufacturing, to provide response to the technological challenges related to the digital and energy-climate transition.

The activity carried out by Lortek is part of advanced and intelligent manufacturing and has three research groups in the following areas of knowledge:

• Joining Technologies

• Additive Manufacturing Technologies

• Digitalization Technologies

AI is a multidisciplinary area of ​​research that allows us to emulate human reasoning so that machines can learn from streams of data and make decisions automatically.

Specialized in solutions based on intelligent control, artificial vision, IoT and Machine Learning, we use artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out the study, analysis and control of welding processes and inspection of welded parts, metallic additive manufacturing and industrial processes of advanced manufacturing with needs to improve product quality, control processes and manufacturing parameters or reduce time and costs associated with quality verification.

These needs range from the capture and visualization of process data, data analysis to identify patterns and anomalies, their optimization, or the development of automated inspection systems with various artificial vision technologies.

We design algorithms adjusted to industrial challenges, addressing the problem of dealing with different origins and types of data and its traceability. We create ad-hoc algorithms for the generation of prediction models with maximum precision and quality, using Machine Learning methods in digital image processing, applying techniques adjusted to specific vision problems.

AI plays a fundamental role in our operations, allowing us to optimize processes and improve product quality, increasing efficiency at each stage.